It’s taken me a while, but I’ve finally honed a recipe for DIY face cream that’s light and silky and filled with local native plant goodness. This is adapted from Rosemary Gladstar’s “Perfect Face Cream” recipe. It was a favorite of my mother’s and I hope you’ll enjoy it too. I use lomatium root for its skin softening properties, but the recipe can absolutely be made without it.

To make the lotion, you’ll need:

a small soup pot filled with water,
a quart sized mason jar,
a digital scale, (We measure by weight rather than volume when making cosmetics.)
a stick blender, (Key to making a light and fluffy product with minimal mess. It can also be made with a mixer on high speed.)
jars and labels for storing the final product.

and the following ingredients:


3/4 cup grapeseed, almond or apricot seed oil (I infuse mine with lomatium root but you can use calendula or another skin-friendly herb, or just leave it plain.)
1/3 cup coconut oil
1/4 tsp lanolin
1 oz beeswax


2/3 cup rosewater or distilled water
1/3 cup aloe vera gel
5-10 drops of a skin-friendly essential oil of your choice (optional)
a few drops of Carrot seed oil or Vitamin E Oil for preservation.

To make:

Place oils in jar in small soup pan on the stove over a low-medium heat. Warm until the beeswax melts completely. Remove from heat and let cool on the counter for 15-20 minutes, or until it begins to turn white and solidify.

While the oils are melting, measure waters into a container and bring to room temperature or slightly warmer. When then oils in the jar have started to near room temperature, add the waters to the oils (in the jar or in a separate bowl). Quickly grab your stick blender and start whipping. The oils and waters will resist incorporating, but keep at it, scraping the sides, until it reaches a light, frothy, frosting-like stage. Keep pulsing until all the water is incorporated and the lotion is a uniform, smooth consistency. Scoop into glass jars, label, and use as desired. I store mine in the fridge for longevity, and because I like how the cold lotion feels when I apply it. But it will last at room temperature for several months.

ACCESS NOTE: This everyday product is relatively easy to make at home, but DIY beeswax-based activities are not for everyone. If you prefer to buy the Rose & Lomatium Face Moisturizer or to try it once before you invest in your own ingredients, do let me know. I’ve just whipped up a fresh batch for Christmas gifts, and I have some jars to spare. $10 for 2 fluid ounces. To order, email [email protected].

USAGE NOTES: 1.) Pregnant women should avoid using lomatium root. If you are pregnant or nursing, we advise making this and all products using pure (not infused or essential) oils. 2.) A few people develop a rash when taking Lomatium dissectum internally. I have never heard of anyone developing this rash when using it topically. If you do see a rash develop, stop using the lotion immediately. It will go away. 3.) As always, please research any herb or substance you plan to put in or on your body. Use a small amount to begin with, and stop using it immediately if it causes problems for you.