It’s that glorious time of year when resin begins to flow in the cottonwoods and balsam poplars.  Can you smell it? I dropped by Mill Creek in Union Gap the other day and quickly caught the scent in the air.

Each February we gather the sticky buds to make enough topical pain medicine for the year. There’s a small window when the flow is at its peak and this is it. So let’s go!

When & Where: Sunday, February 11 at 11:00am at the entrance to Eschbach park. (Cars can’t enter the area and parking is limited on the road, so if you’re coming with a friend, do consider carpooling from Fred Meyer.)

What to Bring: For foraging, bring a jar or a paper bag. Resin is sticky. Consider wearing plastic gloves and /or bringing some hand sanitizer for cleanup. Kids and leashed dogs are welcome. It’ll likely be muddy and a bit cold and we’ll be out for about an hour. Dress accordingly!

The event is free for everyone. If you find value in what we do, please consider becoming a Patron and/or purchasing our products